WoW Hotfixes - Updated 1 December
December 1, 2022
- Living Flame will now restore 50% of its mana cost when used to strike an enemy.
- Developers’ note: This change is intended to allow Preservation Evokers to use Living Flame to contribute damage during raid encounters without losing mana. It will also prevent Devastation Evokers from running out of mana when using Living Flame with high haste values.
- Living Flame will now restore 50% of its mana cost when used to strike an enemy.
- Fixed an issue where Bulletstorm was incorrectly also granting the benefit of Bombardment.
- Fixed an issue where Arcane Shot and Chimaera Shot were incorrectly consuming a stack of the Bulletstorm buff when cast.
- Fixed an issue where Quick Shot would not properly deal damage if you had changed the appearance of your weapon.
- Fixed an issue where Spearhead did not properly apply the bleed from Mongoose Bite or Raptor Strike if Aspect of the Eagle was active.
- Fixed an issue causing Inspiring Vanguard to grant an incorrect amount of Strength.
- The following Priest spells have been added to the Personal Resource Display: Desperate Prayer, Lightweaver, Empyreal Blaze, Dark Ascension, Deathspeaker, Holy Ward, Archangel, and Dark Archangel.
- Power Word: Life now has a spell highlight when targeting a low health ally.
- Mind Flay: Insanity now has a spell highlight when it is available.
- The debuff for Angelic Bulwark is no longer displayed on Raid Frames.
- Fixed an issue causing queued Heals to not gain a cast time reduction from Lightweaver after casting Flash Heal.
- The debuff for Elemental Equilibrium is no longer displayed on Raid Frames.
Creatures and NPCs
- Fixed an issue where rare enemies on the Dragon Isles did not have a daily loot lockout.
- Fixed an issue where some baby mammoths could be unintentionally tamed.
Dungeons and Raids
The Azure Vault
- Arcane Tender’s Wild Eruption will no longer target player pets.
Brakenhide Hollow
- Withering damage reduced by 64% (effect applied by Decay Speaker’s Withering Burst, Trickclaw Mystic’s Witherbolt, etc.).
- Fetid Rotsinger’s Decaying Totem health reduced by 50%.
- Fixed an issue where the dungeon’s quests could not be completed.
Halls of Infusion
Watcher Irideus
- Power Overload no longer targets pets.
Primal Tsunami
- A friendly Titan Defense Orb now offers players a quick way out of the dungeon after defeating the Primal Tsunami.
Watcher Irideus
Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
- Fixed an issue where the dungeon’s quests could not be completed.
Items and Rewards
- Fixed an issue where Crimson Aspirant’s Pulverizer and Crimson Aspirant’s Longspear had the same stats.
- Fixed an issue where Slumbering Worldsnail and Raging Magmommoth were unlearnable.
- Fixed an issue where Misty Satchel was bind-on-equip and could be listed on the Auction House.
- Re-added cloth loot that was temporarily removed from rare enemies.
- Fixed an issue where Reclaimed Tuskarr Harpoon and Stolen Shikaar Warspear were using the incorrect weapon type.
Player versus Player
- Fixed an issue where PvP Conduits were not purchasable.
- Sergeant Wilson and Nassar have arrived in the Gladiator’s Refuge for slightly less than loyal characters to sign up as a Mercenary in battlegrounds.
- Precognition (PvP Talent) is now displayed on the Personal Resource Bar.
War Mode
- Fixed an issue that could cause Supply Drops in Ohn’ahran Plains to not reach the ground before despawning.
- Significantly increased the drop rate of recipes for Crimson Combatant equipment from Victorious Contender’s Strongboxes.
- Notebook of Crafting Knowledge for Enchanting now awards knowledge for the correct profession.
- Temporarily disabled Basic and Advanced Experimentation for Alchemy to address a bug.
- Fixed an issue where some pieces of Engineering crafting gear were missing stats.
- Lofty Malygite has become slightly less lofty and is now within reach for Jewelcrafters to collect.
- Reduced the drop rate on Roused Seedling when gathering herbs.
- Adjusted Molten, Hardened, and Windswept Overload loot tables to be similar in value to Frost Overload.
- Fixed an issue where Shadowlands campaign quests were being pushed to players outside of Shadowlands.
The Azure Span
- Fixed an issue where “Calling the Blue Dragons” was rewarding duplicates of the Highland Drake to alts.
- Fixed an issue where “Into the Azure” was incorrectly available for alts who had already completed “To the Azure Span.”
Ohn’ahran Plains
Nokhud Offensive
- Fixed an issue where Khanam Matra Sarest, the quest giver for “The Wind Belongs to the Sky” could incorrectly phase out.
Nokhud Offensive
The Waking Shores
- Fixed an issue where “Honor Our Fallen” was available at level 68, but its reward could require level 70.
- Fixed an issue where “The Tools of One’s Trade” was available at level 68, but its reward could require level 70.
- Fixed an issue where the “Greater Obsidian Citadel Key” could fail to be completed.
- Fixed an issue where various Siege on Dragonbane Keep UI elements wouldn’t show until Valdrakken Accord Rank 6.
- Quest markers for “To Dragonbane Keep!” have been modified to be clearer.
- Fixed an issue where players wouldn’t be added to the Siege on Dragonbane scenario at times, preventing rewards from being obtained.
Cobalt Assembly
- Lowered Fun Detected’s chance to drop Wild Arcana. It was changing the drop rate to be 100% instead of adding an additional percent chance. Yes, we know how this looks.
Iskaara Tuskarr
- Fixed an issue where the “Iskaaran Fishing Net” quest items were not visible.
Maruuk Centaur
- Fixed an issue where “Good at Doings, Not Understandings” was being incorrectly offered to players at Renown 1.
- Fixed an issue where players could be in the area of a Grand Hunt and not get added to the scenario correctly.
Valdrakken Accord
- Fixed an issue where the Dragon Racing world quests were not unlocking correctly at Valdrakken Accord Rank 7.
Source: WoW Hotfixes - Updated 1 December, Author: Sanq, Posted: Friday, December 2nd 2022, 2:39 am