Known Issues – Dragonflight version 10.0.2 -- Updated 29 November
The Dragonflight expansion is now live. Please read on for a list of known issues that we’re working on.
Updated 29 NovemberClasses
Demon Hunter
- Shattered Restoration does not increase the healing of Soul Fragments from Shattered Souls, and does not update the tooltip values of Shattered Souls.
- Infernal Armor thorns damage tooltip value does not update with second rank with talent point unallocated.
- Fodder to the Flame Condemned Demon does not die with one Throw Glaive.
- Freedom of the Herd (PvP) tooltip mentions incorrect cooldown reduction.
- Casting an empower spell when the Thundering affix buffs are applied causes the cast bar to desync.
- Call of the Wild summoned pets temporarily prevent the use of Mend Pet.
- Serrated Shots does not increase damage from Hit the Mark.
- Animal Companion reduces the damage done by Call of the Wild.
- Wind Arrow is doubly affected by Mastery: Sniper Training.
- Sentinel Owl highlight will display as a loot beam animation if Outline Mode is disabled.
- Quick Shot will not proc if your weapon is transmogrified to a different weapon type.
- Shining Light secondary proc does not appear on Personal Resource UI.
- Dungeon and Raid enemies are immune to Distract.
- Lightning, Earth, and Water Shields’ auras disappear upon entering an instance or logging out.
- Renewed Proto-Drake and Highland Drake UI will break when previewing other drakes with the Storm-Eater and Crimson Gladiator Skin on.
Dungeons and Raids
Ruby Life Pools
- Kyrakka has no aggro table until it has fully landed at 50% health.
- If Kyrakka is defeated before Erkhart, the Flaming Embers pools of area denial do not harm players.
- Warriors’ Charge ability can cause a disconnect or death.
Temple of the Jade Serpent
- Warriors’ Charge ability can cause a disconnect or death.
- Kharnalex, The First Light displays ‘Adventurer’ as an eligible class.
Player Characters
- The Leather Renown transmog set is available to everyone.
- Pandaren may display pink, un-textured hair in the transmog window for backpacks.
- There are unobtainable appearances in two Dracthyr Battlegear transmog Sets, preventing completion of the sets.
Player versus Player
- Players are unable to earn Vicious Saddles during Dragonflight Season 1.
- Enigma Crucible and Empyrean Domain are unavailable.
Nokhudon Proving Grounds
- Ground-targeted abilities (such as Ring of Frost or Rain of Fire) that are cast on the ramps located in the arena can be difficult to see.
- Crafting Orders that have expired or are canceled will display an ‘Order Complete!’ text at the top right of the window despite the order not being fulfilled.
- On “The Other Side”, one character opening the vault does so for other characters.
- In the Darkshore Warfront, Maiev Shadowsong will reset after casting “Mass Vengeance”.
- In the Destruction Warlock Mage Tower, Jormog the Behemoth and its abilities are invisible, and Tugar Bloodtotem can appear to be a female human.
Ohn’ahrahn Plains
- Initiate Zorig does not appear for turn in of “Desecrator Annihilator” or “Reagents of De-Necromancy”.
- On “Maruukai”, carts are sinking into ground on the uneven terrain.
- On “Proto Problems”, Hypoxicron is landing mid-air.
- Ronsak the Decimator does not create a bonus objective/quest.
- Scaleseeker Mezeri does not create a bonus quest.
- Eaglemaster Niraak does not create a bonus quest.
- Windseeker Avash does not create a bonus quest.
- “The Nokhud Offensive: Founders Keepers” is missing quest loot.
- On “The Once and Future Team”, abandoning the Quest after defeating the Colossal Causality changes the number of the Timewalker Wardens that approach.
- On “Banquet Battle” interacting with tables causes unexpected camera behavior.
- Resetting the “Ancient Protector” Bonus Objective encounter will cause the Ancient Protector to be untargetable.
The Forbidden Reach
- “Final Order” displays empty quest text at turn-in while in-progress.
User Interface
- On the character select screen, characters cannot be moved via drag-and-drop.
- The UI can only display four rewards for Major Factions - Renown Rewards.
- Press-and-Hold can have a casting delay compared to repeatedly pressing the key.
- In Ohn’ahran Plains, area texts on the Map are in incorrect locations.
- Map and minimap icons may disappear while in Valdrakken.
Source: Known Issues – Dragonflight version 10.0.2 -- Updated 29 November, Author: Kaivax, Posted: Tuesday, November 29th 2022, 4:49 pm